Monthly Archives: December 2016

Our DNA Trace on the male side of the Pearson Family – via Jim Pearson

I got the results from my Ancestry DNA test and according to report the largest makeup is 37% of my DNA originates from Scandinavia and 99% from Europe.

Primarily located in: Sweden, Norway, Denmark

Also found in: Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, the Baltic States, Finland

Scandinavia is perched atop northern Europe, its natives referred to throughout history as “North Men.” Separated from the main European continent by the Baltic Sea, the Scandinavians have historically been renowned seafarers. Their adventures brought them into contact with much of the rest of Europe, sometimes as feared raiders and other times as well-traveled merchants and tradesmen.

Genetic Diversity in the Scandinavia Region

The people living in the Scandinavia region today are slightly admixed, which means that when creating genetic ethnicity estimates for people native to this area, we see some similarities to DNA profiles from other nearby regions. We’ve found that approximately 84% of the typical native’s DNA comes from this region.

When I get the results for Aunt Jean’s DNA test I’ll share it as well. It should trace grandmother Marie Pearson’s side of things better.

Click on the graphic below and you should be able to view and look over the results more in detail.
