If you are a family member of one of the Pearson families listed here and would like to help update or build your families page drop me a line and I’ll set you up with an account here. This is easy as using a word processor program for the most part and I’ll help get you started.
It’d be great if each family had one person that was willing to maintain their parents area of this site.
Email me at: jim@jimpearsonphotography.com
Jim Pearson, Son of John A. Pearson (Kelsie)
I have been trying to locate who James Earl Pearson’s parents were. He is my great grandfather on my father’s side. James Earl had about 10 children. Thomas Lewis Pearson was one of his children. They traveled from SC, AL, AR and GA, which is where both are buried. Can you give me any leads?
Sorry, but we don’t have anyone in our tree from that region of the states.